Monday, August 24, 2009


The woman with raven hair and soft brown eyes,
She writes me poetry; sets my being ablaze!
I want to know more about her,
Know whatever she is willing to share,
Already I have awoke from a dream…
Whispering her name.

Yet so little I know of her, she of me.
Who are we really at this moment to the other?
We try to reflect something of our inner light.
Hoping it is seen for more than just a persona-
Hoping for the opening of the heart to another-
I want
To be more than a distraction.
I want
You to be more than a distraction.

After being so wounded.
My whole self feels light when I see your name.
When I read your words I delight in the sheer joy!
Energy of their creation flows through me.
Can it be trusted?
I open my arms to it.
Can it be real?
I open my spirit to it.


  1. On Blackened wing of darkest night...
    The Raven flies in sweet delight....
    With Sister Crow soaring to heavenly heights...

    The spread of soft strong wings... At the Riverside... the rush... of sweet waters... Raven bows in adoration and drinks deeply ... savoring each drop... a precious gift... Raven draws a deep sigh as she takes in the natural beauty at the Riverside...drinking deeply, Passionately, Sister Crow cawing her name in ecstasy.... spreads her soft warm wings and together they soar to the heavens...

    By Mary McDonough, 2009

  2. Can the sea resist the waves? How can I resist her? Can the sun pull back its rays? I give myself to her.... Can the wind hold back its might? I am powerless to fight it...
    Tomorrow My Love.... I will rush into your arms with the might of the ocean.... unstoppable as the wind.... desire, glowing and burning with the glory of the sun...

    With the roar of the Ocean... Love is upon me.... this Lion has no chance.... :)

    Mary McDonough, 2009
