Monday, August 24, 2009

Pay Attention

You write me words so luscious and vibrant
They leave me trembling
Oh how it evokes a longing that
Lives deep in my being
To be so close to you in words
Yet so far

The silence in-between
Like a menagerie of arguing animals
“You are deluding yourself”
“This is all just word-play”
“How can she know you?”

Then I read your words again
They leave me trembling
With more than just Sexual energy…. a hum
Like the ringing of a bell

And I too have overflown with words.
I have rarely let them emerge such as this
What is your silence in-between the words?
Do you fear you are deluding yourself”
“This is all just word=play”
“How can I know you?”

Are you left trembling?

I am ringing like a bell and that says pay attention.
Caw, caw, pay attention!

My words are no game,
No meaningless fancy
I more than read your words…
I can hear your breath and feel your closeness in them.

You can know all I am.

1 comment:

  1. Take me hand, darling one...
    Let me pull you close...
    I look into your eyes and see the beauty of your soul....
    Sunset in your in your eyes.... there’s fire in your kiss...Sweet Kim ... I love to walk by your side ... walking in your world.... To hold your hand is a joy in itself. Let me bask in your smile.... my Darling one... We share our stories; our trials and tribulations have made us wiser, stronger.... Brought us to our present. Where our separate paths converge and our journey together begins... Though our paths have been hard...I am glad that we have come to this point in our lives... where we can travel together in harmony. My dear sweet sister... You have my admiration have my heart.... te adoro, te amo, mi amour

    By Mary McDonough,2009
